Selenium Conf Keynotes: Liz Keogh

The tickets for Selenium Conf ’12 are still on sale for about another week, so there’s still time for you to buy your tickets.

The tickets for Selenium Conf ’12 are still on sale for about another week, so there’s still time for you to buy your tickets. In case you’ve not already gone to the conference site to see the great line up, this week we’ll be letting you know what to expect!

I’m really pleased to announce that Liz Keogh, who is a core member of the Behaviour Driven Development (BDD) community and is one of the stalwarts of the London Agile community, as well as a haiku poet, is going to be one of our keynotes! If you’ve ever seen Liz speak then you’ll know just how much a treat we’re in for. She’s got great things to say and always says them in a thoroughly engaging way.

Liz’s keynote is titled “How to Test the Inside of Your Head”. When we test code and find it doesn’t do what we thought it did, we change it. But, she asks, wouldn’t it be great if we didn’t have to write the wrong code in the first place? In the talk, Liz will show how we can use examples and scenarios to break the models we make inside our own heads, helping us to avoid premature commitments and their follow-through – whether in code or in life.

I’m really looking forward to it! I’m sure you are too.

Last modified August 7, 2021: Renaming directory (e9895f27c2)